Collectors’ club

Why join?

It’s a little like love-bombing – ever heard of that? I do this with my kids. It’s a grand and personal demonstration of affection and appreciation – designed to make them feel good about themselves and encourage happy vibes in their daily lives. Good karma might be a simpler way of explaining it…

I wanted to offer something special for my regular buyers. I always try to give extras or treats when I send out parcels to my customers, so why not make it official?

Lightbulb moment! I should create a space where I can serve up treats every few months… seasonal vouchers for certain print collections and first dibs on brand new work.

So this is especially for you – the ones who want several pieces and keep returning for more. Or the ones who’ve had their eye on a work in progress as it becomes available.

See it as a thanks for your support and regular encouragement.

How does it work?

Simples! If you’re signed up to my newsletter you’re in the club.

I’ll send out a collector’s special edition – including, for example, a seasonal offer – and you will get:

  • either a discount code giving you a voucher for promoted collections in my online shop

  • or the first view of completed pieces before I hang them in a gallery or add them to my online shop

With new work, I’ll use the newsletter like a “private view” event, and you can simply email me if something catches your eye.

Plus I’d love to hear your suggestions for paintings you’d like to see as fine art prints. Along with any other ideas you have about the kind of benefits you’d like from being in the club.

Sound good to you?